Docker is a powerful application that allows you to create, manage, and run containers on your computer or server. Containers allow you to package your applications and all of their dependencies into a single image, which can then be run on any docker-enabled system. This makes docker an ideal choice for development and testing environments, as well as for deployments in the cloud or on-premises. In this blog post, we will explore the basics of docker usage, including how to install docker and use its commands to manage containers and images.
What is docker and what are its benefits?
As we mention before Docker is a software containerization platform that allows you to quickly and easily create, deploy, and manage applications by using containers. Containers are like lightweight virtual machines that share the same kernel and allow you to package an application with all of its dependencies into a single image. This makes it easy to deploy and manage applications on any server or device.
Docker has a number of benefits, including:
- Portability – Containers can run on any server or device, regardless of the operating system.
- Speed – With docker, you can create and deploy applications in minutes, rather than hours or days.
- Efficiency – Containers use fewer resources than virtual machines, which makes them ideal for deployments on cloud servers.
How do I install docker on my computer/server/device?
Docker is available as a package from either Debian or Ubuntu repositories. Alternatively, you can also install Docker using a Linux distribution such as CentOS, RHEL, SUSE or Fedora with add-apt-repository. You may need to be in the root user (sudo su) before adding the repository.
Here are some general commands for when you're starting to work with Docker:
- docker info
This command will give you information about your Docker installation, including the version number and installed storage drivers.
- docker search
If you want to find a particular image on Docker Hub, you can use the search command. For example, searching for "ubuntu" will return all the Ubuntu images that are available on Docker Hub.
- docker pull
This command will download an image from Docker Hub and add it to your local repository. For example, running "docker pull ubuntu" will download the latest Ubuntu image.
- docker run
This command starts a new container based on the specified image. You can use the run command to launch a container in either detached or interactive mode. For example, running "docker run -i -t ubuntu" will start an Ubuntu container in interactive mode.
- docker ps
This command lists all the running containers on your system.
- docker stop
This command stops a running container. For example, running "docker stop mycontainer" will stop the container called "mycontainer."
- docker rm
This command removes a stopped or exited container from your system. For example, running "docker rm mycontainer" will remove the container called "mycontainer."
- docker commit
This command creates a new image from a running container. You can use this command to save the state of a container so that you can create a new container from it later. For example, running "docker commit mycontainer myimage" will create a new image called "myimage" from the running container "mycontainer."
- docker images
This command lists all the images that are available on your system.
You can use this command to get information about a particular image, such as the size or the number of layers.
- docker tag
This command assigns a tag to an image. Tags are useful for organizing and managing images. For example, running "docker tag myimage mytag" will assign the tag "mytag" to the image "myimage."
- docker build
This command builds a new image from a Dockerfile. A Dockerfile is a text file that contains instructions for how to build an image. For example, running "docker build -t myimage ." will build an image called "myimage" from the current directory.
- docker push
This command pushes an image to a Docker registry. A Docker registry is a service that stores and lets you distribute images. For example, running "docker push myimage" will push the image "myimage" to your default Docker registry.
- docker login
This command logs in to a Docker registry. You need to login before you can push or pull images from a registry. For example, running "docker login myregistry" will log in to the registry "myregistry."
- docker inspect
This command prints information about a container or an image. For example, running "docker inspect mycontainer" will print information about the container "mycontainer."
- docker run --rm hello-world
This command prints the message "Hello from Docker!" when you run it. It's a simple example that shows how to use the docker run command.
- docker network create mynetwork
This command creates a new network called "mynetwork." Networks are useful for isolating containers and services from each other. For example, running "docker network create mynetwork" will create the network "mynetwork."
- docker network ls
This command lists all the networks that are available on your system. For example, running "docker network ls" will list all the networks that are available on your system.
- docker network connect mynetwork eth0
This command connects an container to a network. For example, running "docker network connect mynetwork eth0" will connect the container "mycontainer" to the network "mynetwork" on interface "eth0."
- docker swarm init
This command initializes a swarm. A swarm is a collection of nodes that work together to manage Docker services. For example, running "docker swarm init" will initialize a swarm.
- docker service create --name myservice --replicas 2 web
This command creates a new service called "myservice." The service has two replicas, which means that it will be run twice. The service is defined by the image "web." For example, running "docker service create --name myservice --replicas 2 web" will create the service "myservice." The service will be run twice and it will use the image "web."
- docker service ls
This command lists all the services that are available on your swarm. For example, running "docker service ls" will list all the services that are available on your swarm.
- docker service rm myservice
This command removes the service "myservice." For example, running "docker service rm myservice" will remove the service "myservice."
- docker service scale myservice=5
This command sets the number of replicas for the service "myservice" to 5. For example, running "docker service scale myservice=5" will set the number of replicas for the service "myservice" to 5.
- docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-49nj1cmqqn0j1c9dx5a2gv1tjranc0lajfldiuk34yc-ec72q3gpb66sk3cgvzk8d
This command joins a node to a swarm. For example, running "docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-49nj1cmqqn0j1c9dx5a2gv1tjranc0lajfldiuk34yc-ec72q3gpb66sk3cgvzk8d" will join the node "" to the swarm at port 2377. The token can be obtained by running "docker swarm join-token worker."
docker system info
This command prints information about your Docker installation. For example, running "docker system info" will print information about your Docker installation.
docker swarm leave
This command leaves a swarm. For example, running "docker swarm leave" will leave the swarm "swarm."
docker version
This command prints the version of Docker that you are using. For example, running "docker version" will print the version of Docker that you are using.
What happens when I delete a container or image ?
When you delete a container or image, the files and data that were stored in it are deleted as well. docker-compose rm removes all containers and docker-compose rmi removes all images, including any data volumes that were associated with them.
Can I run multiple containers on a single server or device ?
docker allows you to run multiple containers on a single server or device.
Are there any security concerns with using docker ?
Yes, there are some security concerns with using docker. For example, if you are using docker to run untrusted code, then there is a risk that the code could exploit vulnerabilities in the docker daemon and gain access to your system. Additionally, if you are using docker to run sensitive or confidential data, then there is a risk that the data could be accessed or compromised by unauthorized users.
However, if you take some basic precautions, then these risks can be minimized. For example, you can use selinux to restrict access to the docker daemon, and you can use encrypted volumes to protect your sensitive data. You can also use a tool like docker-compose to manage your docker deployments, which will help to minimize the risk of accidental or unauthorized access to your data.
Ultimately, the security risks associated with docker are relatively minor, and the benefits of using docker can be significant. For most applications, the benefits of using docker outweigh the security risks. So if you are considering using docker, then don't let the security concerns hold you back. Just be sure to take some basic precautions to minimize the risk of data loss or system access.
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